How to Donate

Thank you for considering a donation to Kwan Um School of Zen Germany. Generosity is the foundation of our spiritual practice. Our School has been founded on and continues to thrive thanks to the support of countless members and friends who have given generously over the years. Your contribution goes towards bringing authentic Zen training to people and supporting practicing communities all over the world.

Dana paramita (giving) is a pillar of Buddhist spiritual development. It is not dependent on the size or value of what is offered, but requires only the practice of compassionate generosity. This means that everything that I have and everything that I am is not only for me, but for all beings.

We are grateful for any donation. It will help people to practice Zen meditation, take part in retreats and Zen events.

Forget these three things –  I, you, giving – then you are practicing the generosity paramita.
Zen Master Ko Bong

Please contact about bank account details and receiving a donation receipt.