The clear mind is like the full moon in the sky.
Sometimes clouds come and cover it, but the moon behind it is always there.
Thinking comes and goes, comes and goes.
You must neither hold on to coming nor to going.

Zen Master Seung Sahn

The Zen Group Hamburg was first formed in the mid-1990s on the initiative of a Tae Kwon Do master and his students, who discovered Zen practice as an underlying training of the mind. Since then, the group has practiced together regularly and invites the masters of the Kwan Um Zen School to weekend retreats.

SENIOR TEACHER: Dharma Master Arne Schaefer

Introduction to meditation

Introduction to our practice by personal arrangement.
Please make sure you register in advance by calling the number given (see Contact).

Regular evening practice

*Sutra recitation / 2 x 30 minutes sitting meditation / Dharma exchange
**On Wednesdays only online practice
Online participation is possible without registration.

Sutra booklet

Zen retreats

Dates for Zen retreats in Hamburg and throughout Germany: see
Retreats / Events.

Registration is required.
