Kwan Um Zen School
This page lists the most important books of the Kwan Um Zen School. Please click on the book title to read the review. The books listed here can either be purchased directly from the Zen Centre Berlin or from Johannes Herrmann Verlag.
If you purchase the books from the Zen Centre Berlin, you are also financing translations of other books by Zen Master Seung Sahn.
The reference options are noted under the respective book title.

Der Kompass des Buddhismus
Der Kompass des Buddhismus. Orientierung auf dem Weg.
Translation of „The Compass of Zen“ by Zen-Master Seung Sahn.
Orders can be placed via the Zen-Zentrum Berlin , the price is 9,95 Euro.

Nur Weiß-Nicht
Continuation of the book Buddha steht Kopf: Gesammelte Lehrbriefe des Zen-Meisters Seung Sahn. German translation of “Only Don’t Know”.
Orders can be placed via Zen-Zentrum Berlin , the price is 16 Euro.

Die ganze Welt ist eine einzige Blume
365 Zen koans for every day, with questions and comments. Translation of “The Whole World is a Single Flower” by Zen Master Seung Sahn.
Orders can be placed via the Zen-Zentrum Berlin , the price is 18 Euro.

Zehn Tore
The Kongan teachings of Zen Master Seung Sahn with a foreword by Zen Master Wu Bong. Translation of ‘Zehn Tore’ by Zen Master Seung Sahn.
Orders can be placed via the Zen-Zentrum Berlin , the price is 12 Euro.

This collection contains the master’s everyday thoughts while travelling, talking on the phone and attending a friend’s funeral.
You can order using Google Search.

Zen Life, Moment Life
Die Lehre des Zen-Meisters Wu Bong.
Book published in 2011 with collected texts about and by Zen master Wu Bong; edition currently only available in English.
Orders can be placed via the Zen-Zentrum Berlin , the price is 10 Euro.