Kwan Um Zen School
What is a Retreat?
(Zen-Master Dae Bong)
First of all, a retreat is a cleansing machine.
Our brain and our body are the best computers, but they have collected a lot of dust. Dust of desire, anger and ignorance, but also dust of many opinions. So we use this not-knowing-soap, put down our opinion, desire, anger and ignorance, just follow the situation and keep one big question, just the not-knowing-mind, and that is purification. Purification of our consciousness. After Kyol Che, our consciousness is cleaner. So Kyol Che is a big chemical purification machine.
Furthermore, a retreat is a Dharma refuelling station.
Our life has energy. This is karma energy, karma petrol. But karma means ‘I, mine, mine’. If you set aside ‘I, mine, mine’, then you and the universe become one. Then dharma energy, universal energy comes into you. So when we do Kyol Che together, we put down all our opinions: my opinion, my situation, my condition.
Then the correct opinion, the correct situation and the correct state appear, so that we and the universe are one, and then the Dharma petrol comes in. According to Kyol Che, you have Dharma energy. Having Dharma energy means being in harmony with the universe and being able to follow the right path. You come to Kyol Che with a lot of karma petrol, then you take that karma petrol out so that dharma petrol comes in. So we say that Kyol Che is also a Dharma petrol station.
Furthermore many people in this world are hungry.
There are two types of hungry people: physically hungry and spiritually hungry. Physically hungry people do not get enough to eat, then they starve and die. They suffer, but they don’t cause as much suffering for others. Mentally hungry people have enough, but want more: ‘I want more, I want more. People with a hungry spirit suffer, but they also cause a lot of suffering for others. So when we come to retreat, we attain Dharma, and then when we go home, we make Dharma food. We make Dharma sweets, Dharma biscuits, Dharma cakes, Dharma rice and Dharma bread and all kinds of great Dharma food. Then we share the Dharma food to satisfy the hunger of people’s minds and establish world peace. So a retreat is a Dharma food factory.
Come to the retreat, purify your consciousness in our purification machine, receive Dharma fuel, Dharma energy and then make Dharma food in your life, give it to others to satisfy their spiritual hunger and eliminate suffering in this world. This is our practice and our mission.

‘Walking, standing, sitting, lying down, speaking,
silence, moving, being still.
At any time, in any place,
without interruption – what is that?
One mind is an infinite number of kalpa.’
Temple rules by Zen Master Seung Sahn at the back of the sutra book

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