It doesn’t matter what someone says or how well something can be explained, it’s ultimately up to you.

The wonderful thing about Buddha’s teaching is that Buddha told us not to believe anything just because a wise man or an expert said so. Don’t believe anything just because a holy book or tradition says it is the truth.

You have to find the truth for yourself.

The Cologne Zen group of the Kwan Um Zen School was founded many years ago. In 1991, the Berlin Sangha organized a lecture and a Yong Maeng Jong Jin (Zen retreat) with Zen master Wu Bong without having a single contact person in Cologne.

Interested people came together and a regular meditation practice began in Cologne and a stable meditation group developed.

SENIOR TEACHER: Zen Master Ji Kwang

Introduction to meditation

*2ndTuesday of the month: Introduction for first-time participants and 2 x sutras
For an introduction to Zen practice, please register in advance by e-mail or phone call.

Regular evening practice

* Sitting, singing and walking meditation.
1st Tuesday of the month: 1 x 30 min + 30 min discussion round
2nd Tuesday of the month: introduction for first-time participants and 2 x sutras. Tuesday of the month: introduction for first-time participants and 2 x sutras
3. Tuesday of the month: normal practice
4th Tuesday of the month: normal practice + informal interviews

Zen retreats

Dates for Zen retreats in Cologne and throughout Germany: see
Retreats / Veranstaltungen.
